



Marking a new chapter in their thriving careers in architecture and interior design, 约翰·戴和凯尔·谢菲尔德成立了他们的新公司, 蓝时设计. With an extensive list of dynamic projects and collaborations under their belt, 两人已经开始着手这项新事业, 带着几十年的智慧和经验一路前行.

blue hour design, kyle sheffield, john day, architects, boston architects

1. 是什么激励你创立了Blue Hour?

Our passion for design and service has always been at the forefront of what we do. 现在我们已经创造了一个精品环境, we have more opportunity to actively participate as practicing principals, 与我们的团队和客户互动, 并为设计界做出贡献. We remain future focused but have benefited from a solid foundation built with the mentorship from exceptional firms and individuals, 谁为我们提供了强大的设计DNA.  我们已经能够从那些宝贵的过去的经验中学习, 并在此基础上不断发展, ensuring that we not only maintain but enhance the goal of excellence in design and service.

2. How did you choose the name "Blue Hour” and what does it symbolize in your design philosophy and process?

蓝色小时是日出前一小时和日落后一小时. It is often recognized as the most relaxing, revitalizing, and creative time of the day. It is the time when your home wakes you up and sends you out into the world, 当它带你回家拥抱你的时候. 在那些令人垂涎的设计师作品的黄昏照片中, 在关键时刻发生了什么, you see the marriage of architecture and interior design coming together—it is holistic. 我们的过程是有目的的整体和平易近人的. 为此目的, we did not want to name the firm after ourselves because this new studio is about the team we work with and not just about us. We want others to join and collectively contribute to the design.

3. 你总共有多少年的工作经验?

50年. 我们一起在罗德岛设计学院读研究生. 从那以后的20年里, 我获得了很多知识, 笑了, and lessons learned that we have brought forward to our new studio.

4. 你们公司有多大?

我们目前有12名队员, with plans to stay between 15 and 20 people – balancing evenly between architects and interior designers.

5. 你对Blue Hour的愿景是什么?

在内部, our goal is to foster a collaborative studio atmosphere where everyone can actively contribute. We want to create a learning culture that promotes growth and encourages individuals to embark on a fulfilling career journey with Blue Hour. We want every team member to feel the same sense of reward that motivates us. 在我们建立公司的过程中,授权是关键. We want our team to adapt the company's ethos and vision to their unique talents and skills, 积极为集体进步做出贡献.

外部, we not only want to continue working in Boston and the surrounding regions but also work on projects throughout the country. 我们有很多回头客, and those projects often take us to the outer reaches of New England, 佛罗里达, 落基山脉和更远的地方. This growth broadens our geographical reach and enriches the diversity and complexity of our designs.

6. How do you integrate interior design and architecture within the firm, 协作在创作过程中扮演什么角色?

The synergy achieved by integrating architecture and interiors in-house has been a pivotal point in our overall design process. 通过更巩固和更深入的对话, we really hit a stride in the services we could provide and the expression of both our design ability and our clients' vision. 我们为许多其他建筑师的室内设计工作提供服务, 我们为其他室内设计师设计建筑, 这是一件美妙的事情. 它使我们的眼睛保持开放的新鲜思想, and it further tunes a collaboration that is tailored for our clients. 在我们办公室内, we have both interior designers and architects who know the intricacies of each other's needs. This allows us to navigate the design process from both perspectives, 从而形成一种全面和信息灵通的方法.

7. 什么类型的项目最能激发你的灵感?

作为设计师,我们一直在寻找设计的机会. 我们总是说, “我们有风格。, 但不只是一个”,如果你看看我们的投资组合, 范围很广. 结果不是预先决定的, 而是客户谈话的结果, 客户方向和设计过程. Our clients are looking for something they did not find on the shelf or ready to buy at an open house. 为此目的, 客户越投入, 产品和体验对他们来说就越好. Our goal is to find each client’s design goals and empower their design voice, 经过严格的设计过程, 交付的不仅仅是一栋房子, 但是要有一个家. 这是一种极致的奢侈.

8. 在设计界,你最兴奋的是什么?

在设计中创造永恒. It does not mean it has to be the same every time, it means that it endures. When a design strikes the right chord, it stands the test of time. When a style is preset, the process is not as flexible or exploratory. 作为设计师,我们总是在寻找设计的机会. It starts with the client and how interested they are in participating in the design process. The best designs appear effortless and as if they naturally fell into place. 它看起来并不费力,而且看起来是不可避免的. But good design is not inevitable - it takes a lot of work to leave a lasting impact.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 bluehourdesign.com.

